NB: The creative exercises archived here are available for anyone who wants more inspiration and creative expression in their lives. There is no limit on how often you particpate, how many exercises you do, or what order you do them in. They are an extension of my book "Beyond the Stick Figure: hope and encouragement for anyone who has ever wanted to be creative"

Monday, July 9, 2012

Inspire Create Exercise 24- 10 Jul 2012

Inspire Create Exercise 24- 10 Jul 2012

We are going to try some creative exercises from Benoit Phillipe who has most kindly made available his free 36 page eBook of practical exercises for Artists and everyone else. Which just means that these exercises are not just for those who consider themselves to be Artists...anyone at any level or age can participate. Phillipe is my kinda guy. He has my kind of attitude and beliefs about art, ie, that creativity is for everyone!

So let's begin, with the exercise entitled "Matisse's Scissors" on page 26. Click on the link and use the arrow on the right hand side to click through to page 26 for instructions. This is going to be good fun! I like this exercise, because it's quite different from anything we've done before and I really think children will have fun with this exercise too. You could vary the idea, by using paper from magazines and/or newspaper...the main idea though is to create something from cutting up bits of paper and glueing them down. This should take you into a creative space for a while and give you the benefit of some downtime in that place, where relief from the hassles and worries of today will be left behind for a little while. Enjoy the journey (hugs) and I'll look forward to seeing your new creations! Post them here for us all to admire (if you feel comfortable doing so)


NB: The creative exercises archived here are available for anyone who wants more inspiration and creative expression in their lives. There is no limit on how often you particpate, how many exercises you do, or what order you do them in. They are an extension of my book "Beyond the Stick Figure: hope and encouragement for anyone who has ever wanted to be creative"

NB: Please note that this blog is only being used as an archive/storage/resource facility for Inspire Create with artist Karin Taylor on Facebook. It exists to help people find all the creative exercises I have posted on Facebook more easily. To engage and interact, to join in the fun, please join us at Facebook @Inspire Create with artist Karin Taylor and please post your contributions, creations and artwork on Facebook rather than this blog. Thank you and aloha, Karin

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